January 2016

January 10, 2016

1-2-3 Best Balls of 4


Low Gross- Paul Sorensen 133
Sean Carlson $40 each
Kai Cogswell
Chris Gregoire, Jr
Low Net- Jose Guerrero 123
Gabrial Nava $40 each
Leo Jimenez
Chong Kim
2nd Net- Ray Medrano 127
Jay Wright $35 each
Vince Golson
Steve Esky
3rd Net- Greg Krueger 128
John Davis $30 each
David Nelson
David Brown
4th Net- John Aguiniga 129
Tom Mata $25 each
Bill Gadsby
Wayne King
5th Net (Tie) Rob Schiff 130 Pete Malinowski 130
James Bedard $20 each Patrick Kelly $20 each
Justin Courter Joe Morin
Nick Williams Dennis Kirby
CLOSEST TO THE PIN – $35 each (20 cup points)
#2- Jim Diamond
#6- Joe Reseigh / Andy Hansom ($20 each – 10 cup points)
#9- Mike Brooks
#11- Dave Mauk
#17- Rob Clark

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